Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Welcome to the
Bake Sale  
DATE: Beginning Saturday, September 25, 2010
(Any time convenient for you or your group is perfect, please don't limit yourself to this date.)

TIME: All Day

FOR: Rachel Steele, 16 years old

What We Need From YOU:
PLEASE sign up and be part of this bake sale for RACHEL!
Click on the "CLICK HERE" link on the right of this blog and fill out the info.
I will then send you your BAKE SALE PACKET with further instructions.
Every dollar will be so so appreciated!

Thank you,
Steele Strong Friends


Her Story. . . 
On Saturday, June 12th, Rachel went to the emergency room with a bad headache. The Steele family received a diagnosis for their daughter that nobody wants to hear. Rachel was told she had Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
AML is an aggressive form of Leukemia, that requires chemotherapy treatments in the hospital for a period of six months. She will be in the hospital for most all of that time, with a few, brief visits home to enjoy her family.
This NATION WIDE BAKE SALE is to give Rachel and her family the extra money that is required for this situation. We can’t imagine all the costs involved. Rachel's mother and father leave their home and all their responsibilities and be with their sweet daughter day after day and week after week. Wouldn’t we all do the same? Between lodging, gas for their vehicles, medication and treatments the costs become unmanageable. That is where we can help.

Rachel’s family is STRONG!
They are fighting this thing together!

So, that's a brief summary of Rachel's story and a glimpse of what is to come. How do you tell the story of a Young Woman active in sports and church, friends, family who has her world turned upside down?

  We appreciate all the prayers and thoughts on Rachel's behalf. She hasn't lost her fighting spirit, and is determined to beat this! On her blog is this quote:

'Steele Strength'  comes from many places! Each of you are part of what makes Rachel strong, and who she is.

This girl has INCREDIBLE STRENGTH This is where the name of her personal blog, and our bake sale has come from! Her Last name is STEELE and yes, she is as strong as STEEL!  www.steelestrong.blogspot.com 


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